Outcome Analysis.
Depending on which outcome as an organisation you choose from IN-House or Contracted, there will be a requirement to ensure monitoring of the quality in delivery remains
Placing in KPI’s with both bonus for good performance and penalty for poor delivery are factors that can be introduced as part of the overall service outcomes
Individual performance incentives can also improve the cleaner’s delivery and place worth back into their job performance with care/attention to cleaning standards
Utilising new Technologies and methods/systems that are more readily available, can improve the productivity and increase renumeration for the cleaning staff.
A living wage paid reduces out regular staff turnover and gives back continuity of personnel working in and around your premises.
Technological innovations are an area the cleaning industry shies away from, as cleaning is seen as a high labour input service. Today this is not entirely true. With proper equipment, tools and co-ordinated systematic task focused cleaning methods and tools such as ATP Scheduled Testing, cleaning productivity can be improved by 20-30% from traditional antiquated processes that is mainly used in the majority of cleaning operators.
On conclusion of the decision to the cleaning choice of service type, there will be a need for quality control over all the aspects of delivery to ensure a successful service from its new beginning
Either IN-House or Contracted, CSC can provide assistance to ensure all that was set to be achieved is mapped in the initial stages and beyond, if required, determined by cleaning service’s needs.